
 Hey - remember when I used to do this blogging thing?

When I only had three kids?

When the kids I did have were a lot less...vocal?

So, it turns out, those kids (there are four of them now, btw) really wanted me to get back to doing this. Apparently they have opinions? I hemmed and hawed for a long time, but they said they would try to keep the house extra-clean so that I would have time for this.

We'll see.

The four persuasive goofballs at Black Canyon of the Gunnison

Then we had to decide where to go. Start over? From where I left off writing, or where I left off cooking? Because I had actually cooked several countries since I last wrote: Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, and Italy. But I didn't remember much about them, since I hadn't written it down.

So we decided to start there. Cook those countries again. Teach the kids a little about culture. Maybe learn some new cooking techniques. Have them complain about trying new things.

So, yes. I am back. We'll see how long they keep their end of the bargain so I can keep mine.


  1. Sounds good, can't wait to see what you and the kids share. :)


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