
Showing posts from 2022


So here we are. My kids have convinced me to start cooking around the world again. We've decided to start with Iran, because I don't remember what I did last time. I do have the pictures though and they tell quite the story. The rice was supposed to be crunchy on the bottom, Kevin melted his skewers, and I set a towel on fire. Oh, and Katie came to visit!    But that was then. This time, we're in Colorado! And we've decided to be ambitious. Three full Iranian recipes, because we have the manpower. Iran is a country in the Middle East between Iraq and Pakistan. It is over 1.6 million square kilometers, making it the 18th largest country in the world. It is still slightly smaller than Alaska. Almost 82 million people live there, making it the 17th most populous country. The capital is Tehran. ( I had actually written this paragraph back 6 or so years ago. Finally get to use it...woo! ) I may also look at moving to WordPress where I...


 Hey - remember when I used to do this blogging thing? When I only had three kids? When the kids I did have were a lot less...vocal? So, it turns out, those kids (there are four of them now, btw) really wanted me to get back to doing this. Apparently they have opinions? I hemmed and hawed for a long time, but they said they would try to keep the house extra-clean so that I would have time for this. We'll see. The four persuasive goofballs at Black Canyon of the Gunnison Then we had to decide where to go. Start over? From where I left off writing, or where I left off cooking? Because I had actually cooked several countries since I last wrote: Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, and Italy. But I didn't remember much about them, since I hadn't written it down. So we decided to start there. Cook those countries again. Teach the kids a little about culture. Maybe learn some new cooking techniques. Have them complain about trying new things. So, yes. I am back. We'll see how long th...