
Showing posts from December, 2012

Danielle Hetzel's Blog

So, apparently I don't say my name on here very much.  You know...Danielle Hetzel?  This has apparently led to some odd issues.  I have been doing some guest posts on my Church's blog.  The number one search result that brings people there?  Danielle Hetzel's blog.  Huh.  Apparently, right now, that search term doesn't bring them here.  Time to change that. This is Danielle Hetzel's blog.  You hear that, Google?

Equatorial Guinea

Background : Gained independence from Spain in 1968 Location : Central Africa, between Cameroon and Gabon Area : Over 28,000 sq km; 146th largest in the world          Slightly smaller than Maryland Climate : "Always hot" Population : Over 685,000; 166th most in the world Capital : Malabo Geography : One of the smallest Africa countries; has a mainland portion plus five inhabited islands Health : Tap water is not potable Source: CIA Factbook In my search I kept coming across one recipe that I wanted to try.  I tried to avoid it, given the unconventional ingredients, but I couldn't.  I was hooked on Guinea Fowl Paella .  That's right.  Guinea Fowl.  A new meat for me!  I searched high and low.  The international grocery store didn't have it.  Neither did Whole Foods.  My quest was done before it began. According to the interwebs, quail is a decent substitute for guinea fowl, so I decided that that was my ...