Antigua and Barbuda

(Originally posted here. ) Antigua and Barbuda Spanish for "Ancient" and "Bearded" Between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean Size : 442.6 sq miles Population : About 87,000 91% black Tourism dominates their economy The recession hit them quite hard Bah, isn't a break supposed to be restful? I was going to write this during that time. Instead, Christmas was skiing, skating, wrapping, and a lot of shopping. Oh well, better late than never. Originally I was worried about finding a recipe for this small island nation. The problem? I don't like seafood. That can be an issue when you are talking about a nation that is surrounded by water. Especially one that personally I had never heard of before and therefore I figured was more secluded. However, I didn't have to look very long . For those of you who didn't actually click the link: Pork Chops with Bacon and Bananas! Holy crap. Could there be a mor...