No Country (For Anyone)

An interim update...

I apologize for no cooking entry this week.  Last week was Alexandria Restaurant Week, so Kevin and I went out to eat more often than normal.  The $35 deals made me miss Madison...

Instead, I thought I would right about something else related.  A while ago, I said that I was kinda sad to find out I wasn't the only person doing this.  I was hoping that I was unique, but that wasn't the case.  Finally, I commented on the blog of the one that comes up the most often in my searches: MyHungryTum.

He sent me a very nice message back, talking about Yeungling and when the cooking gets hard.  I would still like to be unique, but it is good to know there is a "support group" out there too.  Also, from what I have seen, everyone's is a little different.  People are doing this for different reasons and in different ways.  Most importantly, I started this to learn, not just to blog.

And learn I have.  Last time I said that carraway seeds reminded me of rye bread.  Turns out American rye bread almost always has carraway in it.  I am learning about ingredients and styles of cooking and new parts of the world.  That is what I set out to do.

So I added his blog to my blogroll, on the right side of the page.  Go and look around!  I will admit I haven't read through it.  I don't want to be unduely influenced.  I want to come to my own opinion of dishes, when we cook the same thing, before I find out what similar people think.  But hopefully I will start being able to read the entries for the countries I have already done and learn even more.

Don't worry, there should be more entries soon.  I'm cooking Azerbaijan tonight, and already have ingredients for next weekend too.  But I wanted to let you know about the new blogroll and what is going on.

Have a good day, everyone!


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